The Alberta section of the Institute of Navigation held its AGM and election before joining the Mars Perseverance Rover Webinar hosted by the Institute of Navigation National Office. Paul Alves was re-elected chair, Yang Gao elected vice-chair, Kyle O’Keefe elected treasurer, Landon Urquhart re-elected secretary, and Paul Gratton elected outreach
Notice of Election – 2021:
The election of the executive for 2021/2022 will be held at 11:00 am prior to the presentation. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please contact the section secretary, Landon Urquhart (
All current ION members are entitled to run for office and to vote. The positions open to nomination include Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
The current executive committee is:
Chair: Paul Alves, Hexagon (offered to remain as Chair)
Vice Chair: Kyle O’Keefe, Univeristy of Calgary (offered to transition to Treasurer, leaving this position vacant)
Secretary: Landon Urquhart, Sapcorda Services Inc (offered to remain as Secretary)